P-T-R-P: EP 11 Arnie The Beta

SERIES : People That R' Poets

This Series will focus on Highlighting Poets from a diverse set of backgrounds to provide a space to showcase their work!

Each Episode will feature a different poet, who will curate a short poem as well as bio about who they are and what inspires their Poetry!

This space will also aim to provide poets, creatives and artist alike a platform to showcase their work, who they are as an artist as well as give readers a greater insight into creative exploration through the chance to learn more about each

Individual Creative.

POET : Arnie The Beta

Taking to expressing the lifestyle and essence of a societal Beta; Arnie is intent to express the thought-provoking illustrations of humane flaws and worldly issues.

His metaphoric riddle style and word play intends to infuse multiple meanings leaving people intrigued of how his experiences and penmanship rabbit hole goes.

Recent winner of the Groove Take the mic based on audience vote, As well as an active member of the London poetry scene having, headlined at Streatham Speaks Poetry Night Arnie The Beta continues to provide listeners and readers alike a view into his Creative Expression.

POEM : Passion, Purpose, Pain

I would like to find passion in my purpose,

But to seek my purpose I'm feeling pain,
So, to pursue purpose the threshold always questions if the road is worth less,
For the spirit knows what the body and the mind doesn't,
A sole entity becomes whole once it quantifies the three Ps,

That is a deep discussant,

How can we deny the passion that is grown through the gains,
Gains grow through the precursors of all these life pains,
It's three decades of living,
I'm coasting on this soul train,
Comprehending the trio of thoughts,

Three means would end going insane,

Life passion with purpose,

Could it end all the pain?