P-T-R-P: EP 12 Peter Okonkwo

SERIES: People That R' Poets

This Series will focus on Highlighting Poets from a diverse set of backgrounds to provide a space to showcase their work!

Each Episode will feature a different poet, who will curate a short poem to provide a insight about who they are and what inspires their Poetry!

As we move further along this series I hope you, the reader may have gained a greater insight into the creative process through the lense of each unique artist!

For this space aims to provide people from all walks of life an opportunity to not just showcase their work but also give readers a greater insight into creative exploration through the collective exchange of stories from each

Creative Communicator.

We are joined here by our 3rd international Poet along this series of collaboration! Hailing from the african continent, of the country Nigeria!

This series continues to expand in both content, continent, further increasing the context of expression through collective representation across the world!

Poetically Perplexed!

POET : Peter Okonkwo

Peter Okonkwo is a Nigerian writer, fatalist, publisher, editor, literary critic, spiritual philosopher, soon–to–be–novelist of Etean’s Destiny, and a certified orator from the Friendship Leadership Institute of Nigeria.

He is the author of six poetry collections: Ecstasy of the Dead; Fate, In the Dungeon of Doom; Whose Fault, Kismet or Impediment? and Escape from the Unseen Dungeons book series, (A Cry for Mercy, How the Demons Leave, and I Saw the Light)

Peter is gifted with the aptitude to explore and demystify certain difficult life issues through his thought–provoking, raw–arresting transcendent poetry. His works have been featured in notable literary magazines and newspapers, including the Australian Plumwood Mountain Journal, The Lagos Review, Ngiga Review, Hope Newspaper, among many others.

Peter is the host of the P. English Literature YouTube channel, where he reviews books and conducts interviews with authors around the world. His show has featured over 250 literature works from authors across the globe.

My poetries are inspired by the things I have personally experienced, seen other people experience, and also by the happenings in my society.


I am a writer of poetry.
I remember every story you told me.
I remember when you caused my heart to experience severe pain,
Even though I might have forgiven you.

I remember every help you rendered me in times of dearth

And every promise you made.
I don't keep malice, Instead,
I would write down everything that might want me to.
I talk to my pen when I'm lonely
And when there's no one to bear my grief.

When my shadow leaves me in the darkest corner,

My pen remains my ever-best companion.
Maybe you should be careful with a poet,
or perhaps lend him a helping hand.
Because his words will live forevermore, and the good
you do to him, millions shall read of it.
You'd better reconcile with a poet if you are at odds with him,
And return everything you've stolen away from him.
Because even if it seems that no one yet defends him.

His ink shall vehemently do that for him.

For here lies the joy of a poet.
His ink, his words, and his books And if you would like to
marry a poet, you'd have to love and embrace his poems.
Because I think a poet would love you better.

After realizing that you sincerely love his poems.