P-T-R-P: EP 15 Milli-Rose Rubin

SERIES: People That R' Poets

‌This Series will focus on Highlighting Poets from a diverse set of backgrounds to provide a space to showcase their work!

As we move further along this series I hope you, the reader may have gained a greater insight into the creative process through the lense of each unique artist!

For this space aims to provide people from all walks of life an opportunity to not just showcase their work but also give readers a greater insight into creative exploration through the collective exchange of stories from each

Creative Genius.

The Poet : Milli-Rose Rubin

Milli-Rose is a musician and writer. Using her personal experiences, Milli-Rose writes and performs material around the topics of mental health, the housing crisis in the UK, and how creativity has sustained a form of therapy throughout uncertain chapters.

Through writing and music, Milli-Rose explores these topical issues, which has led to creative facilitation work with young people.

The Poem : Breathe More

Take it in
Stay in the now
Somehow, no matter how much I practise
It feels that I am not allowed.

The rules that my own mind sets for me,

Takes away from what's happening in front of me.
You suggested to inhale twice,
To declutter the thoughts going around in my mind.

Day to day,

We fight the tide moments before
Performing a show.
Seeing familiar faces,
That will help you along as we go.

Some, may even hold your hand,

While walking down a tricky road
Regardless, the show continues.
Everything, continues
The rules that my own mind sets for me

Takes away from what's happening in front of me.

Continue to navigate people
That will hold your hand
When you’re in need.

Breathe - More

Stay in the now
And one day,

You will find your place, amongst the busy crowds.